Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Herbert L. Hasslinger (56). Staatlich befugter und beeideter Zivilingenieur für Maschinenbau (Consulting Engineer), study of mechanical engineering at Technical University Vienna until 1978, Assistant at the Institut für Allgemeine Mechanik and graduation to Doctor techn. there. 1984–1993 design engineer in three producing companies, since 1993 self-employed. Contracts of Austrian Railways, VOEST-Alpine Schienen GmbH & Co KG, Viennese Urban Traffic Organisation, Technical University Graz, Norwegian railway-infrastructure company, various companies and consultants, Swiss and German enterprises. Own development and invention of the basic equation of track alignment design for centre of mass, “Wiener Bogen®” and other alignment elements, protected in European Patent and honoured with the Austrian National Consulting Award from Ministry of Economics and Labour in cooperation with the Austrian Consultants Association (Staatspreis Consulting 2004). Projects of track geometry and track dynamics in Europe, temperature effects in switches, measurements, training, expert opinions. Member of GAMM, Austrian Standards ON-K 213, CEN TC 256 SC 1 WG 15, ÖVG, FSV.
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