Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Adrian Laudan. He received the Dipl. Ing. FH degree at Zurich University of Applied Sciences Switzerland and the Executive MBA FH at Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland, in 2005 and 2012 respectively. He joined Bombardier Transportation in high power converter development for railway vehicles as electrical engineer in 2005. He has been responsible as electrical lead for several traction converters for order projects, responsible for components, project manager for the introduction of the standardized routine test at manufacturing sites and for global R&D projects. Since 2011 he is acting as product manager for water cooled converters responsible for costs, technical matters as well as responsible as project leader for several R&D and innovation projects incl. cooperation with universities and applications for IPR.
Address: Bombardier Transportation (Switzerland) Ltd., Brown Boveri-Str. 5, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland.
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Dipl. El. Ing. ETH. Roland Schmid. He received the Master of Science in electrical Engineering at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) in 1996. He has been a R&D engineer for grid tied photovoltaic systems at Alpha Real AG in Zurich for 4 years. Since 2000 he is engaged with Bombardier Transportation (formerly ADtranz) in different positions, like as converter development Engineer in Turgi and Zurich, following responsibilities for in house developed Integrated Power Module (IPM) and high power converters etc. In 2014 Mr. Schmid was awarded as Senior Expert Power Electronics within Bombardier Transportation. Currently he is BT Global Lead Development manager for valve set building blocks, air and water-cooled types and high power converters.
Address: Bombardier Transportation (Switzerland) Ltd., Brown Boveri-Str. 5, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland.
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Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Hans Ertl. He received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) and Ph.D. degrees in industrial electronics from the University of Technology Vienna, Vienna, Austria, in 1984, 1991 and Habilitation in 2006, respectively. Since 1984, he has been with the Vienna University of Technology, where he is currently an Associate Professor with the Power Electronics Section of the Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives. He has performed numerous industrial and scientific research projects in the areas of field-oriented control of ac drive systems, switch-mode power supplies for welding and industrial plasma processes, and active rectifier systems. He is the author or co-author of numerous scientific papers and patents. His current research activities are focused on switch-mode power amplifiers and multicell topologies, in particular, for the generation of testing signals, for active ripple current compensators, applications in the area of renewable energy systems as well as solutions/strategies in the field of high dv/dt switching converters.
Address: TU-Wien, Institut für Energiesysteme und Elektrische Antriebe, Gußhausstraße 27, A-1040 Wien, Österreich.
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Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Fuchslueger. He received the MSc degree in Energy Systems and Automation Technology from Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria in 2015. He is currently a PhD student at the Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives, Power Electronics Section, Vienna University Technology, where he is engaged in several scientific and industrial projects with focus on traction converters. His special fields of interest are wide bandgap devices and interdisciplinary topics of fast switching (dv/dt) converters.
Address: TU-Wien, Institut für Energiesysteme und Elektrische Antriebe, Gußhausstraße 27, A-1040 Wien, Österreich.
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Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Markus A. Vogelsberger. He received the Dipl.-Ing. (with honor) and Dr. Techn/PhD. (with honor) degrees in Electrical Engineering from Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. He has been a scientific research assistant at the Institute of Electrical Drives and Machines, TU-Vienna, where he has been engaged in several industrial and scientific R&D projects. He joined Georgia Institute of Technology University, Atlanta/USA for study and research activities in 2006 and 2008, respectively. Dr. Vogelsberger has received 4 IEEE Prize Paper Awards and was Winner of BT Global Innovation Award in 2015. He has co-authored more than 70 scientific publications in refereed journals and international conferences. Since 2011, he is with Bombardier Transportation, Vienna, Austria. Currently he is acting as global R&D and Innovation Manager including IPR-Management in Bombardier Transportation-COO Equipment_DRIVES Product Management organization. His fields of interest include traction motors, power electronics and multidisciplinary drives R&D-Projects. In particular, currently his focus as responsible R&D-Coordinator for Drives is on the research and managing of high innovative topics like state of the art motor insulation (withstanding stress – based on modern high du/dt converter supply) and speed sensorless drives (RSD) strategies for ac traction applications,as well as on interdisciplinary & multi objective R&D- Cooperation Projects together with well- known partners from academic and industry.
Address: Bombardier Transportation Austria GmbH, Hermann Gebauer Straße 5, 1220 Wien, Österreich.
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