Dr.-Ing. Di Liu (30). Education: 01/2012-02/2017, Ph.D. in Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany; 10/2009-11/2011, M.Sc., University of Stuttgart, Germany; 09/2005-07/2009, B.Sc., Beijing Normal University, Beijing, P.R. China. Work experience: 12/2015-01/2017, Chinesisch-Deutsches Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum für Bahn- und Verkehrstechnik Stuttgart e. V.; 10/2013-09/2015, Institut für Eisenbahn- und Verkehrswesen University of Stuttgart.
Address: Institut für Eisenbahn- und Verkehrswesen, Pfaffenwaldring 7, 70569 Stuttgart, Deutschland.
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ullrich Martin (54). 1984-1989 Studies Transport Engineering, Advanced Studies Railway Transport at University of Transport Engineering Dresden (Hochschule für Verkehrswesen ”Friedrich List”), Graduated engineer (Dipl.-Ing.). 1989-1992 German Railways (Deutsche Reichsbahn) Halle, Department Railway Operation and Safety, Chief of Area, Deputy Chief of Department, Member of several committees concerning operational service. 1992-1995 Technical University Brunswick, Institute of Railway and Safety of Transport, Scientific Assistant, Administrative Deputy Head of Institute. 1995 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at Technical University Brunswick. 1995-1998 IPM GmbH, Chief Project Engineer Technical Equipment, Transportation projects German Unity, Reconstruction of railway line Stendal–Uelzen. 1998-2001 Full Professor for Transport Systems Design at University of Leipzig. Since 2001 Full Professor for Railways and Public Transport, Head of Institute for Railway and Transportation Engineering at University of Stuttgart, Director of Institute of Transportation Research at Stuttgart University e.V. (VWI Verkehrswissenschaftliches Institut an der Universität Stuttgart e.V.).
Address: Institut für Eisenbahn- und Verkehrswesen, Pfaffenwaldring 7, 70569 Stuttgart, Deutschland.
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