Ir. Louis Michielsen (44). Finished his masters degree in Aerospace engineering in 1995 in the field of aircraft structural engineering and moved to the railway industry in 1999. He was member of several international working parties of AEIF, CER and ERA drafting and implementing TSI. As standards and legislation manager he was responsible for authorization of vehicles, he implemented system engineering principles in vehicle procurement and is nowadays specification manager for new rolling stock Sprinter and Intercity series for NS Reizigers.
Adress: NS Reizigers, Laan van Puntenburg 100, 3500 HA Utrecht, The Netherlands.
sichtbar für angemeldete Benutzer
Dr. Helmut Möller (42). Finished his degree in physics 1995. He started his career in the automotive industry at Daimler in Munich. He received his PHD degree 1999 in the area of microsystems and semiconductor technology. Since 1999 he is employed at Deutschen Bahn AG, starting with the development of sensor systems for obstacle detection, afterwards as project manager of different projects in Germany and abroad. Since 2004 he was “Head of Systems Engineering for Regional Trains” und since January 2011 he is “Head of Traction, Brake Systems, RAMS, Requirement Engineering” in the Rolling Stock Technology division. Since 2009 he’s lecturer at Technical University of Munich.
Adress: Deutsche Bahn AG – Technik Systemverbund und Dienstleistungen, Abteilung „Antrieb, Bremse, RAMS und Anforderungsmanagement (TEF 33)“, Richelstraße 3, 80634 München, Germany
sichtbar für angemeldete Benutzer
Laurent Lasnier – SNCF
E-mail: sichtbar für angemeldete Benutzer
David Polhill – ATOC
E-mail: sichtbar für angemeldete Benutzer
Hans-Frank Bentsen – DSB
E-mail: sichtbar für angemeldete Benutzer
Farsad Ilkhani – ÖBB
E-mail: sichtbar für angemeldete Benutzer
Peter Lankes – Deutsche Bahn AG
E-mail: sichtbar für angemeldete Benutzer
Enno Wiebe – Deutsche Bahn AG
E-mail: sichtbar für angemeldete Benutzer